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View Full Version : Leave nothing to chance

22-02-2004, 09:51 AM
I have just realised something......I would say the most important thing in our lives, and that is PAPERWORK

Its a common phrase people use, We cant do the job because were always writing reports

I was speaking to Mark the other day, he told me......finish a job, get the customer to sign that all is ok

All to often.....we shake our hands and nod our heads


Dont matter how sweet the guy looks, or acts......or if he has a dog and kids........

Get it in writing.......agree everything in writing......
Always......AGREE ......before.......NEVER.........After

Most important lesson I have learnt

WALK AWAY FROM A DEAL...........if everything is not in place

This thing......" We will sort it... or " Dont worry..."...does not apply

I have burnt my fingers too many times.......Now......Im wiser......but after the event.......


22-02-2004, 02:33 PM
hi aiyub,

thats why I always keep in the van, all the papers to be signed BEFORE I get the work.

take my advice, never take your toolbox at first.

see the work, give the customer your price, have him/her sign and then do the job or leave.
