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View Full Version : Carrier Spalding ?

20-02-2004, 06:05 PM
Just spoke to one of my collegues who also posts on this site a lot and he's heard that Pullmans now run Spalding and no longer Ransomes. It this true, if so whats the story.

23-02-2004, 11:06 AM
I think its a case of 'watch this space'
:( :(
:confused: :confused:

:eek: :eek:

23-02-2004, 07:06 PM
Hello JON,
Don't get much time to look on RE anymore, usually 5 mins every couple of days although had heard about Spalding from MJW.

I dont know if this is Warrington's handywork again but they do seen to like shaking the dealer network up every couple of years.

How are things up your'e way, busy ?

Let us know if you hear of anything/Jobs ect



24-02-2004, 09:06 AM
I guess it must be I hear they have pulled out of the E coast and Pullmans have grabbed the Mantle.
I think the whole tpt industry is on the final, final, final maybe final verge of change


24-02-2004, 11:00 PM
Just as i was getting used to Ransomes having all the east coast it changes again. When will Carrier/TK make a final decision who will do where. MTK seem fairly settled at the moment although i had a day off and went to Cambridge the other day & saw they have been moved out of their nice workshop & are now working outside.

Any word yet on the CV show, anything new in the pipeline.

25-02-2004, 09:36 AM
The workshop at Cambridge has been 'comandeered' by 'M' Peugot. The Reefer guys are mostly 'outbased' now anyway so they only need a small workshop!!.

I unfortunatly have a course to run the week of the CV show so won't be there, TK are mute on the subject.
Watch out for SR-2 this month and TA1100 over next few.

As for TK/Carrier well, that is a good game of chess ain't it LOL.
Block - resemption is also playing a big part I think.

26-02-2004, 05:26 PM
Hello Jon,
Got any good courses going up there, need to keep up to date. Too many changes going on to the units



27-02-2004, 10:24 AM
Hmmm, lets see, forgeting about 'M' policy at the moment, yep we have some, speak to MW and he will let you know how dificult (LOL) its going to be.

27-02-2004, 06:17 PM
Hello Jon,
I take it from your'e post we have gone back 10 years to the good !!!! old days when "M" would only train "M" engineers because they thought by training other people they were doing themselves out of work. If so What a lot of Go-nads. Engineers move between TK & C so much that the knowledge soon gets out.

The best training courses i ever when on were at Smarts because they covered TK & C. This meant the catchment for students was twice as big as just going to "M" for TK stuff & C-Warrington for "C" stuff.

Will give Principle Engineer (Or has his title change again) a ring over the weekend



13-03-2004, 06:52 PM
Hi all:)
you are right Pullmans empire has got bigger (I work for Pullmans Doncaster) we currently have a large install program going on 100+ Vectors some of the lads from Spalding have been up to help out one was telling that it was Carrier that pulled the plug due to Ransom’s shutting down Spalding’s office and moving the control side of things to his other site “remote control dose not work for costumers” I am sure there is more to it that that

Martin :p

13-03-2004, 10:24 PM
Hello Martin
Do you ever hear anything from Tony Wade or Steve Jennings (Both Ex C & R Spalding)

