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View Full Version : BS-5588-9 Help

15-08-2008, 11:49 PM
Hi all

Can someone explain Bs-5588-9

Does this standard only apply to ductwork .

The reason behind this is we put a cassette system into a shop about six months ago (just a cassette no fresh air duct),

Now the shop keeper has got on and said building control want to no if it is up to Bs-5588-9 regulations

Thanks chris

16-08-2008, 12:13 AM
I don't know the BS but a quick look on Google seems to show this standard looking at fire prevention etc.

So ask yourself, have any pipe of electrical cable penetrations through wall, voids, ceilings or floors comprised the fire integrity of the building?

Are any materials likely to burst into flames etc?

So, after you have gone back to site to plug up the holes in the walls with blown foam you can issue a letter confirming that 'yes, it does comply.' ;)

16-08-2008, 01:34 AM
Hi Brian

The unit was already in the room we just moved it to a different location in the same room(an old unit originally installed by someone else.

All the existing pipes going through walls are plastered round and i cant think of anything that is likely to go on fire.

So I will send them a letter head on monday saying it does comply(well at least the bit we done :)

Thanks chris

16-08-2008, 11:44 PM
Seems fair enough Chris, simply stating that you have not made any changes to the existing installation standards should cover you.

17-08-2008, 02:01 PM
Hi Brian

Thanks very much for your help its much appreciated :).

17-08-2008, 10:43 PM
This is probably one of those instances where taking photographs for your own records may pay off in the future.

You know what they say - C Y A

Cover Your A*se ;)