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View Full Version : R410a gauge/manifold fittings

29-07-2008, 07:06 PM
I thought that all R410 schrader fittings for you to connect your gauges were supposed to be 5/16" to stop you using the wrong gauges, been to one today that had the normall 1/4 " which is the first ive seen. is this normal ?

The Viking
29-07-2008, 08:15 PM
I might be wrong... (it have happened once before)

But I seem to remember that it's only here in Europe we use the 5/16".

If that's right, you were looking at a "grey" import...

29-07-2008, 08:26 PM
You are not wrong.

It is 5\16 and its all over the world because of the high pressure.

29-07-2008, 08:57 PM
One from these guys
That are pre gassed, and as such do not require a professional installation.

29-07-2008, 09:38 PM
One from these guys
That are pre gassed, and as such do not require a professional installation.

I nearly threw up reading the cheesy testimonials http://www.cooleasy.co.uk/testimonials.htm

Who are these guys?

So, basically, Daikin, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Toshiba et al, do not require a 'Professional' installation because they are 'pre-gassed'

What a statement.

Is it a co-incidence that both Rhew and these guys are in Wales??

29-07-2008, 10:11 PM
He he Frank
Go and have a look at the DIY instructions.

29-07-2008, 11:55 PM
He he Frank
Go and have a look at the DIY instructions.

i feel sick :p

30-07-2008, 05:20 AM
I'd love to know there warranty percentages.... Its Companies like this that are ruining our trade!

clip prince
30-07-2008, 05:20 AM
Just a quarter here in The USA...For 410!!!! I have a combination r-22 R410 manifold set. Also, at it's inception 410 was reportedly a problem with existing line sets, Not so . Most of the time we are blowing them out with dry Nitrogen, some times a 134a flush and the only problems that seem to come up are TXV's (Usually manufactuered defects) and they are few and far Between... Just thought I would pass it on. A side note (the TXV problems only seem to revolve around certain installers, I less than 1% call back on installs for over two years. yet 20% of company over time calbacks are from installers( if you catch my point)

30-07-2008, 05:28 AM
Hi Clip Prince,
Not sure what types of systems you work on but the oils some manufacturers use (Daikin - polyether) does not mix well with the Mineral oil and this can cause majour problems in your system. maybe worth investing in some dedicated gauges for R410A. The problems you see with TX valves amy be due to contamination caused by using a common gauge set.
I've seen first hand the oils combining to form a nasty wax..

just my 2 cents worth...

clip prince
30-07-2008, 05:44 AM
Hi Clip Prince,
Not sure what types of systems you work on but the oils some manufacturers use (Daikin - polyether) does not mix well with the Mineral oil and this can cause majour problems in your system. maybe worth investing in some dedicated gauges for R410A. The problems you see with TX valves amy be due to contamination caused by using a common gauge set.
I've seen first hand the oils combining to form a nasty wax..

just my 2 cents worth...

That was exactly my point,
Usually working residential, but any way. On the installs that I have done, and It is alot, I have found that blowing out the refrigerant lines with nItrogen works. I get few call backs as I stated. But to further this I think the txv's failing is directly related to Installers not blowing out the refrigerant lines. Lastly, I have dedicated gauge sets, for the last two years, I have been using the combo set and had ONE!!! a/c call back from last year (It was a leaking condensate hose by the way)...

I have one more 410 note--- Make sure you run these units atleast 15 minutes before calling it charged. If you start it up and immediately take subcool you will be off sometimes as much as a pound (I know we all know it, but I am talking about what we do)

I hope I was a little more clear this time. the number one thing I was saying was to blow it out, but I don't see any difference between one guage set and the other in results (but then I purge my set too) TKS,

clip prince
30-07-2008, 05:46 AM
P.S. Usually Trane, but more and more other brands as prices sky rocket

clip prince
30-07-2008, 05:51 AM
Also, that is in no way disputing the mixing of refrigerant oils. I have also seen the results, Usually at the expansion valve. but like most problems on newer systems I atribute it to the installers.

Trane technical advocated the use of a combo set by the way, initially in the PURON Days such a thing was a sin punishable by death.

I am curious about the port sizes being different, here 134a is different but 410 and 22 are 12 are the same...

30-07-2008, 09:25 AM
I did not install these or recomend them they were installed by the companys own electrician they have fitted three of them and suprise suprise none have any gas in them after install. I asked him have they been vacumed out properly? his answer was vaced out? was that then?. he said they followed the instructions given and it states before swiching on you should crack open the high side and purge the line.
I thought all 410 connections was supposed to be 5/16" in the uk so now know different !

02-08-2008, 01:21 PM
huh what a comment, no wonder nothing ever works and yes the trades people are getting rougher and rougher, half of the guys in this country aren't even licensed in their job.
I can't believe that they even stated this on the site...

Karl Hofmann
02-08-2008, 01:49 PM
I've seen 1/4 inch flair on R410 units before, they were cheap and not cheerful from Costco,

These are the guys who need to be stamped out for selling stuff to the public whilst giving them the impression that they are an easy DIY fix. They are just box shifters who have gotten their hands on a container load of units from China.

02-08-2008, 02:47 PM
So, basically, Daikin, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Toshiba et al, do not require a 'Professional' installation because they are 'pre-gassed'

According to EN378 this isn't true. There must be a pressure and a leaktest.

04-08-2008, 07:31 PM
they followed the instructions given and it states before swiching on you should crack open the high side and purge the line.

Ah, that's OK then! :D

I'll put my pressure testing gear, OFN bottles and Vacuum pump on ebay then!


08-08-2008, 09:49 AM
Ah, that's OK then! :D

I'll put my pressure testing gear, OFN bottles and Vacuum pump on ebay then!


Dont forget the Reclaim unit as well ... :eek: