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16-07-2008, 06:48 PM
whats the state of the stores that you have worked on? i know that the ones i have are in a rite state and am very aware of what i buy from them:(

16-07-2008, 09:01 PM
I only shop in the ones i maintain.That way if i get ill its my own fault for not doing a better job.;)

750 Valve
17-07-2008, 11:42 AM
I only shop at the stores I have commissioned, I check up regularly on the site and know most of the staff in the store.

In general the stores we maintain are pretty good, there are a few old stores which I wouldn't buy meat or deli from but the newer ones, especially the ones we installed or refurbed are in good condition

17-07-2008, 05:43 PM
Its not the machanical side of things that worries me, the equipment is pretty decent, just the lack of cleaning and the staff that couldn't give a feck if its working or not. watch what u buy in england especially when its hot .

17-07-2008, 08:55 PM
Its not the machanical side of things that worries me, the equipment is pretty decent, just the lack of cleaning and the staff that couldn't give a feck if its working or not. watch what u buy in england especially when its hot .

In the stores I work in cleaning is always high on the priority list.
I would not hessitate to shop in the stores I know.


17-07-2008, 10:58 PM
Some of the places I work especially the takeaways I will not eat at and some I wont even accept a cup of tea. The ones that are clean I do recommend. It seems like the health and hygene come down hard on those that are trying but not on those that dont care. I have had a ****roach run up my leg at an indian takeaway and I hate ****roaches!!!:mad:

750 Valve
20-07-2008, 01:47 AM
I constantly tell managers how unhygenic there stores are and shame them into better maintenance.

I once found maggots in a hot chicken case....

28-07-2008, 09:24 PM
Hi All,

At the end of the day the customer generally recieves the kind of service they are willing to pay for. :cool:

When i started my time, a maintenance usually lasted a week and involved checking everything and replacing all filters and faulty / worn parts. I couldn'nt tell you the last time i seen that done in the last few years.