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View Full Version : Sow the right seeds

28-09-2003, 07:22 PM
"To change your effects, you must change the causes."

Here are some points that I think can enhance our quality of life:
1. Be very selective whom you spend time with, where you go, what you watch and read and what organizations you join.
2. Watch your financial and business life carefully and align yourself with winners. Don't throw your cash in the trash!
3. Respect your time and your health.
4. Set specific, personal, measurable and exciting goals and focus unwaveringly on their attainment.
5. Boldly and courageously stand up for what you believe in. It's more important to be respected than to be popular and the opinions of losers are unimportant, anyway.

When we sow to the wind, we will reap the whirlwind. Let's take stock of our lives and make the necessary corrections. Let's be brave and steadfast and clear on what we sow and where we sow it, and the reaping will take care of itself. Every choice counts.