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View Full Version : The Spam is getting personal !

02-08-2003, 10:42 PM
It is bad enough getting continual spam encouraging me to enlarge my *male member* but now they have started on my hair loss.

Just how are these people able to check my body details through the web thats what I want to know. :confused:

06-03-2004, 08:06 PM
Hello Brian
Are you on BTinternet or is anyone else out there on it.

Over the last month i am now getting about 20 spam e-mails a day mostly selling "SUPER VIAGRA". I looks like they are getting around them spam laws as they all come with my e-mail address but are being sent out to everyone with my first name on BTinternet.

Have BT Sold there entire database, if so BAS####'s

Apart from changing e-mail addresses any other ways to stop it.

I was just wondering if anyone else out there having the same problem.

07-03-2004, 08:12 PM
Checked the e-mail tonight after 2 days and - hey presto - 253 spam messages! did a short count up and over 150 were for the old "patch" to increase you know what!! Just finished sending 150 e-mails telling them I don't need their products :D :D :D

07-03-2004, 09:30 PM
well Frank, I hope you were just kidding because if you did, you will be inundated with emails now that they know your address is live

08-03-2004, 02:01 AM
You can hide or you can fight. Because we can't hide our fax machines, we fought against junk faxes, laws were passed and enforced, and it has been a long time since I got a junk fax.

In Australia, if you start getting unsettling phone calls, no one is interested in tracking down the offender - they just give you a new phone number. I am sure that this tendency to hide rather than fight has resulted in a lot of sex offenders graduating from young heavy breathers to more serious offenders. There is a good opportunity to identify and deter young or new offenders which is being ignored.

I tried to email an ex boss the other day, and all the addresses I used bounced. Finally I had to ring him to find out his new address. Now, I know that several domain names were registered with his old address, and that the renewal notices will bounce, and the domains will expire. He will learn that his decision to hide will be costly.

I know that it seems easier to hide, rather than fight, but it will only get worse until we all start to take action.

08-03-2004, 07:23 PM

:D :D - Just Kidding! :)

English Humour Don't You Know :D

My E-mail address has been active now for about 6 years and yes I do get on average about 200 spam mails a day - just a part of life. If I change the address they will only start on that one so whats the point?


I really don't NEED the patches :D :D

08-03-2004, 09:16 PM
Originally posted by Marc O'Brien
But from here, Brian, my guess is that you wouldn't resent any added size :)
My God ! he can see down the phone line now !!!:D

21-01-2005, 08:34 AM
Re your spam, get mail washer installed on your pc, it picks up the spam and sends it back to the sauce from where it came before it can get into your files, if it's a viro it attacks the senders pc, no trackback to your pc.
regs tony L.

21-01-2005, 10:12 PM
It is bad enough getting continual spam encouraging me to enlarge my *male member* but now they have started on my hair loss.

Just how are these people able to check my body details through the web thats what I want to know. :confused:

HeHe , spam is very bad , it attacks my mail ofently , i hate it :mad:

Brian , when you registred for you email service , you entered personal data e.g age or date of birth and your sex . . statistics are done for big companies , as for example hair loss / age . . . it seems that you getted the age of hair loss in s company satistics and they are trying to convince you to use their products . . . for that i think that putting the age as under 16 will make the spam disapear