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View Full Version : Bob Hope

29-07-2003, 09:48 PM
This is truly sad news. It was Christmas Day 1967. Everyone knew that Bob Hope's USO show was in the country.
We were all waiting by the radio in our hooch (hut)for the news to weither we would get to go the show.

For security they won't announce the time or place or even if the show would be. Then the annoucement came over Armed Forces Radio. "Tan Son Nuht Air Force Base, Hanger xyz, in uniform, 1400 hours." That gave us 1 hour notice. Every truck assiged to our company was packed to overflowing heading for the Base.

Bob Hope, Jerry Colona and Jill St.John plus a full orchestra and lots of show girls put on a top notch show while 50 Hueys patrolled the perimeter. We all laughted for days about the show.

He has earned his place in Heaven.