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13-03-2008, 07:09 PM
Need some help from any one studying or teaching an nvq2 6087-02. I know the answer might be ask your tutor but its not that easy.

Basically im trying to do my course work going through the units. I will use unit 1 element 1.1 and 1.2 for ease.

1) The main two points i have is, what is the difference between a knowledge statement and performance evidence.

2) Under each of the performace evidence and knowledge statement sections in unit 1 there are sub sections eg.1-6. Each sub section question then has to meet criteria eg. unit 1, knowledge statement number 1, pc 1.1.1, range 1. Does this mean I have to have evidence for every part of range 1 a to j with reference to pc 1.1.1 or is range 1 a to j just giving examples of what could be written about.

Sorry if this isnt very clearly written its quite hard to write it down. Thanks guys:confused:

13-03-2008, 10:56 PM
I was is this same situation when i started my level 2.My advice would be too not attempt your write ups using the the performance criteria alone. Look at your performance evidence, the numbers in brackets should allow you to refer back to the relevent performance criteria and range.The same goes for the knowlodge statments, look at the numbers in brackets and these should relate to perfromance criteria and range.If you try and do your write ups just using the performance critera you with not cover as many critera.Hope this helps and good luck.

13-03-2008, 11:54 PM
sounds like you are really confused, in your work based evidence write ups you are proving what you can do i.e. performance criteria not what you know i.e. knowledge criteria, that is mainly proved by passing the three exams but not totally.
So it is the performance criteria you need to cover in the write ups and you do not have to cover every item in the range statements but beware that all of the performance criteria have to be proven at least twice and some three times so read your standards carefully and speak to your assessor he has got to help you with this.

If you are still stuck reply and I will try and help further.


14-03-2008, 12:16 AM
thanks for the replys. Pooh your answer makes sense. Would I be right in saying when I am writing up my evidence for jobs I have done I am only trying to hit the performance evidience questions then and not the knowledge statements.

14-03-2008, 12:26 AM
Yes mate that is correct, remember you need to write down what you actually did on the job and include pictures and other evidence like risk assessments, permits to work. Do not forget to mention things like signing in on site speaking to the customer, your office etc as they are all good evidence.

If you need more help and if you can send me a PM with your phone number I will give you a ring and give what help I can. Its what I do for a job these days.


14-03-2008, 12:48 AM
pm sent ian. thanks