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View Full Version : Faulty Fridge/freezer

19-06-2003, 03:07 PM
I have a fridge freezer that appears to have a problem.

the freezer is cooling down to - 18 but the fridge will not cool down below 15d.

i have checked for obvious faults but am not sure were to look next, any help much appreciated.

John M

25-06-2003, 10:53 PM

03-07-2003, 09:15 PM
Hi John, it depends on wether the F/F is a traditional type or a frost free type. If its the traditional type, it could well be either short of gas, as with most f/f the refrigerant will go through the freezer first then to the fridge, thus the plate being cold to the touch but not freezing as it should. The other alternatives after you check the gas are replace the drier and give it a good vacuum and recharge or it could just be a faulty compressor. If the f/f is frost free then it could be all of the above but check that there are no ice build up around the evaporator (thus restricting the flow of air through the evap) and check wether the evap fan motor is working or upto speed as this will draw the temp to the fridge. Hope this helps, good luck Paul.

04-07-2003, 08:02 AM
Hi Paul,

thanks for the info i will go and check it out and let you know the outcome.

i am in not far away from grimsby, (skegness).

usually you get replys from far away places. Its nice to know someone a little more local has a clue.


john m

08-07-2003, 07:03 PM
Probably airflow. Could be a restriction in the baffle between frig and freeze sections.
I have seen more than one system with 2 compressors though

08-07-2003, 08:45 PM
HI John, hope your sorted. If any problems give me an e-mail, i will be more than happy to help. Cheer's Paul.