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View Full Version : PUF Panels

13-02-2008, 01:13 PM
Is anybody has an idea of installing Puf panels for a large cold store.

As we have a restriction of panel height i.e. 6.3 mtr and width 1.1 mtr.

total height of panel required (0.2 under floor + 7.2 mtr).

Do any body has Installation manual on PUF panels.
i.e. how to joint wall to wall, partition wall, wall to ceiling, hanging of ceiling to Pre engineered building(i.e. how much stiffners are required to hang ceiling panel).


13-02-2008, 03:18 PM
Is anybody has an idea of installing Puf panels for a large cold store.

As we have a restriction of panel height i.e. 6.3 mtr and width 1.1 mtr.

total height of panel required (0.2 under floor + 7.2 mtr).

Do any body has Installation manual on PUF panels.
i.e. how to joint wall to wall, partition wall, wall to ceiling, hanging of ceiling to Pre engineered building(i.e. how much stiffners are required to hang ceiling panel).


I am sure that these people are going to be happy to answer on all your questions.

138/30 2nd floor, Florida Towers
Nelson Manickam Road
Phone: +91 44 43553350
Fax: +91 44 43553351
Web Site: www.metecno.com (http://www.metecno.com/)
E-Mail: anup@metecno.in

old gas bottle
13-02-2008, 08:15 PM
not sure what you are asking here but if you mean can you join the wall panels going upwards the answer is not realy as the panel gets it strength from being in one piece,joints are disscouraged,

to construct a ceiling or roof, you would use upto 6mtr long panels depending on thickness [150mm] and joining them with a "top hat" section with steel threaded rods through them [10mm-12mm] upto the bulding main structure to hang them off,

there,s a lot more to this than you think so i suggest getting a proper company in, if its not done right and it falls down you are in deep poo :eek:

14-02-2008, 04:54 AM
Your question is not clear on the height restriction etc.

Anything in panels under the sun can be done.!!!!

Samarjit Sen
28-03-2008, 02:50 PM
Your question is not clear. Are you going to install the panels your self for which you require the manuals or is it you want to know who all are manufacturing these panels.

Other than Metecno, Chennai, Izopoli has opened an office in Pune. They are both making panels on continuous process. Other than these there are a large number of panel manufacturers all over the world who are already installing such Cold Storage panels in India.

If you can be more specific in what you need then I am sure some one can help you. We are getting insulated panels for a number of our projects. These are bieng installed by the manufacturers.