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View Full Version : Mineral v's synthetic oil

13-02-2008, 02:15 AM
First timer here, really finding the comments in the posts I have read very interesting and helpful.
Having a few oil issues myself in a Mk6A 204(Nh3) and trying to convince the client that a change from Mineral to synthetic oil may be helpful but proving very hard to convince, thought some one out there in fridgey land may have some thoughts I can share with him to help convince him it is not just a sales pitch ---- cheers

13-02-2008, 08:32 AM
Hi loafa am a trainee of Industrial Vocational Training Board of Mauritius and i want some notes on how to repair lubrication system.

14-02-2008, 12:57 AM
Hi loafa am a trainee of Industrial Vocational Training Board of Mauritius and i want some notes on how to repair lubrication system.Which part of the lubrication system is broken?

What sort of lubrication system are you referring to?

US Iceman
14-02-2008, 05:31 AM
...trying to convince the client that a change from Mineral to synthetic oil may be helpful but proving very hard to convince...

What are you trying to convince him of? What type of problem or issue are you experiencing that this would solve?

14-02-2008, 08:18 PM
From what I have read and from thoes I have spoken to who have changed from a mineral to a synthetic oil have said that they have had significantly less carry over, longer life from filters and coelasses and generally better performance, but they cant explain why.

US Iceman
14-02-2008, 08:29 PM
Those are all valid concerns that seem to improve with the use of synthetic oil. These benefits are derived by the difference in chemical makeup of the two oil types.

However, you should also be warned that the shaft seal will probably have to be changed as part of the oil change. The elastomers in the O-rings, etc tend to react to the change in oil, which usually results in some unexpected leaks. The coalescing elements and oil filters would also need to be changed.

And, on top of this... the residual mineral oil can possibly react with the synthetic oil so you really need to make sure you get as much of the old oil out of the system.

14-02-2008, 11:10 PM
Thanks mate, appreciate your feed back

15-02-2008, 09:41 AM
Discrepancy between mineral and synthetic oil them to a bigger writing, but is good this exchange carry out, won't you disappointed. Is necessary to perfection separate old oil from compressor and system. Use synthetic oil from of even producer like mineral, alarm you do not have to have I am such exchanges performed already much and shan't problem. Josef.