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View Full Version : Positon of tx valves

Les Stuart
12-05-2003, 11:07 AM
Can anyone tell me if there is a problem with mounting tx valves upside down.I have done a job where the valve diaphragm is facing down and Im curious to know if this will affect the valves performance.

12-05-2003, 02:21 PM
The position of the valve body does not affect operation. orientation of the element sensing bulb should be taken into consideration (mounted horizontally, or if vertically with the capillary coming out of the TOP of the bulb).

In orienting the valve body however, the one thing you should pay attention to is that it is NOT oriented in a way that oil will accumulate in the Equalizer port in externally equalized valves.


Prof Sporlan
12-05-2003, 06:38 PM
herefishy gets a Sporlan 'ATTA-BOY'. :D

Mounting the TEV upside down, in theory, should not present a problem. But the Prof would suggest avoiding this practice on internally equalized valves, particularly when installed on bottom fed evaporator coils. Invariably, the underside of the TEV diaphragm will fill up with oil and, even worse, debris.

750 Valve
16-11-2003, 12:37 PM
what about distributors? have started up a couple of jobs where the installer was lazy and stuffed the TXV (SBFPE's) in the valve compartment of a coolroom evap using only pipe supplied with evap, to do this it left the valve positioned in a way that the distributor sat horizontally. I made him move it as under low loads (room unstocked and down to temp) the valve appeared to starve the top two evap passes, moved the valve/distributor arrangement and all was good... well as good as it can be with those valves - they're all over the shop!!!

Prof Sporlan
16-11-2003, 04:36 PM
Since refrigerant flow thru the distributor is typically two-phase, you can sometimes find where distributor orientation affects refrigerant distribution, particularly when the distributor and/or tubes are a bit oversized.

Orienting the TEV and distributor such that they feed vertically, up or down, is your best bet.

16-11-2003, 04:43 PM
TX valve should always be fed from the bottom to aviod oil accumulation. Oil in an upside down valve will make it function "funny". Danfoss recommend in their instructions manual so.
Distributor will be positioned down for an even flow of refrigerant
to all circuits.