View Full Version : Need advice from ozzy's

25-01-2008, 07:46 PM
Im going to apply for my visa to ozz soon. The route im going is skilled immingration. Im a electronic technician but my skills might not be upto whats required. If i do get in this way i will retrain as a refrigeration and aircon engineer or mechanic as its called in ozz.
If that fails i might do the student visa route. The refrigeration and aircon course is 2 years and held in melbourne. After my 2 years (and if i pass) i will be assesed by the immingration people again based on the points system.

Rerigeration and aircon mechanic is a 60 pointer. If that dropped then i would not get in even doing my 2 years, passing and with 900 hours work esperience.

My question is 'how long has the refrigeration and aircon mechanic been a 60 pointer and can you see that changing?'

Many thanks, Paul

750 Valve
26-01-2008, 01:18 PM
I think that would be a question for immigration department or maybe some recent or not so recent immigrants, as an aussie I have no idea about the immigration process as I don't really need to - as you can understand I'm not gonna leave the best country on earth :D

As australia is in a bit of a skills shortage I can't see the situation changing in the next 5 or so years - but thats just a guess.

26-01-2008, 03:38 PM
Thanks for the reply.

If i do gor the this course do you think i will get work experience no problem and taken on at the end of it with a company?

750 Valve
27-01-2008, 03:36 PM
well theres heaps of ac and frig jobs for those qualified, especially in summer, but I'd say it'd be a little harder to find a job as a mature age apprentice. Best bet would be to go for a trades assistant job then use the time to credit towards practical experience for the course, this would only leave time to do courses after hours though. Prospects of getting a job once finished though are almost 100%

06-02-2008, 11:52 PM
Thought i would update this seeing people were good enough to reply.

Seen a visa agent on friday. I dont need to go the student visa route :)

Im going for my skilled independant visa first. He reckons im 50/50 for that but the sponsor route is open for me.

Thats state sponsor or employer sponsor.

I want to be there now :o

I can start getting experience with a guy i know who has his own refrigeration company here in scotland.

Anymore advice on finding a sponsor/job would be great :cool:

07-02-2008, 05:47 PM
Best advice: Attend one of the skill shows in the U.K. where the Aussies come to hunt down the trades they need.

07-02-2008, 10:16 PM
Thanks for the reply.

There is an expo show where i live this month.

Hopefully there will be employers, etc

07-02-2008, 10:58 PM
Good luck! :)

14-02-2008, 09:20 PM
Hey paul76...do go for the expo and get as much experience and information as you can.Once you get into oz,i hope you get the job done.Just before i left south africa to come to scotland,i had many work buddies whom immigrated to oz,scattered from queensland in the east to perth in the west.I keep in touch with them and they said itsgoing swell and smooth,no worries.Yep,mechanics,thats the way we are used to as well...better get used to it....good luck buddy!!