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View Full Version : Mortuary heat load

23-04-2003, 10:19 PM
I used to have details on the heat emission and respiration from bodies in mortuaries. Can't find it now and need to do a heat load calc. Anybody got details of this or know where to find it? I have unsuccessfully trawled the internet!

25-04-2003, 05:55 AM
wish I could help you more.....the only thing I know for sure is there won't be any respiration from the bodies as you stated. :confused:

25-04-2003, 02:13 PM
I had recently quoted a mortuary cooler, which actually was my first exposure to the application. In interviewing the prospective customer, there was no criteria regarding pull-down of the "load" (i.e. @ temp within such-and-such many hrs).

Generally, I do not beleive that people are stacked in the cooler like cordwood, so-to-speak. That the dignity offered the people in storage suggests a relatively light load in terms of the number of people in a given space. It is a storage duty application, whereas you do not have a great amount of sensible infiltration.

I would speculate that the latent infiltration calculation in addition to regular duty (air exchanges) would be adequate for the application.


I followed up with an application engineer of a supplier, and he indicated that he used the load rating for beef (carcass whole). Also it was explained that people emit gases which are corrosive to coil surfaces (much like chicken does), and perhaps a coated evaporator coil would be recommended to ensure equipment longevity.


05-05-2003, 04:43 PM
:) I installed onew 3 years ago, gave the dimensions to the company and they only asked one question, are the bodies straight of the Hospital Ward and still warm, or will they be cold when put in the body store?

The calcs are for the same as cold store meat, ie beef.

The one I installed was only to be temporary over the holiday break, the room is not insulated, there is a 15mm gap under the outside doors, and the walls and ceiling are not insulated, and would you beleive it is still working on a daily basis!!:cool: