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View Full Version : household hot water consuming issue

26-10-2007, 10:23 AM
Hi dear sirs
I want to investigate the situation of different country household hot ware consuming situation.
Our country situation as follow:
1) city resident usually install one water heater(electric\gas\solar) for bath ,about 30L/per person;basically no hot water for kitchen and clothe washing;
2)countryside basically no other special equipment except for solar water heater; have one bath /per week
Hot water is still a luxury thing in China.

Tell me your country situation. I need it to do my research. thanks in advance:)

best regards

The MG Pony
26-10-2007, 02:56 PM
I have 1 40 Gallon electrical hot water tank and usually have a hot shower in the evening and thats about it for the day, if my cloth's are unusually oily or dirty I'll use warm water to wash them, and hot water for dishes, I can't really quantify it for ya though I'm afraid.

I plan to switch to an instant gas hot water heater though to improve energy savings, tanks are so wastefull when you use little hot water!

26-10-2007, 04:19 PM
I have a household of 5 with 1 - 50 gallon hot water heater for showers, washing cloths, dish's.

27-10-2007, 08:55 AM
Most households here have 1 electrical boiler of 200 to 250 l,heated to 65 or 70°C during the lower night rates.
This link in Dutch http://users.telenet.be/annette-guy/calc/waterverbruik.htm has to be filled in and comapres your water usage compared to the average Belgium usage.
Average water (hot + cold) usage = 110l/person/day
I can translate it if necessary Lc.
In Belgium, every person has the right on 15.000 l water/year and this for +/- 45 €/address. So a household with 5 like we receives 75.000 l for 45€ and the rest costs you 3.35 €/1000 l.
at http://www.ideg.info/media/docs/Dimensioneren_van_zonneboilers_door_simulatie.pdf section 2.7, you find average numbers for Belgium.
'Verbruiksprofiel' is the water consumption at a certain time of the day for a total of 175 l/day at 60°C. Biggest consumption around 19:00 (or 7PM for the US readers ;) )

29-10-2007, 04:06 AM
Hi Peter,
It 's not expensive to use electricity to water heating.
How about the rate ?/per KWh in Belgium?


29-10-2007, 06:31 AM
Hi Lc shi
I live in an appartment in sydney 3.5 km from city centre. For me and my girlfriend we got a tiny 50 litre tank for showers and dishes only. Tank is set to 65C. Use about 100l/day each in the shower. Estimate 110 - 120l/day total hot water only. Clothes are washed with cold, and shower is 9l/min.

30-10-2007, 09:01 AM
LC, sorry for the late reply: rate = 0.1625 €/kWh from 6AM till 10 PM and 0.08125 €/kWh from 10 PM till 6 AM (night rate)
These are the rates for a normal household.
If you install a High Voltage transformer, you may divide these prices with 2 again but the transfomer costs at least 25,000 € to 30,000 €