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  1. LonWorks based control systems
  2. New system sealer
  3. Rankine Cycle
  4. Oil
  5. Auto Cascade
  6. Kramer Hot Gas, Thermobank
  7. Acidic oil
  8. Turbocor
  9. VSD on screw machines
  10. NEW 3-Phase IGBT Inverter Power IC
  11. Heatpump up to 100°C
  12. Spolan OilMaster
  13. XDX Technology
  14. Digital Scroll Technology
  15. Stirling Engine Fan Motors
  16. 3d Tubing Design
  17. Insulation of the future?
  18. rx11 flush
  19. EEV's and their usefullness for low power applications
  20. Predictive Maintenance
  21. Nylog as a gasket sealer
  22. Thermoelectric P.O.U. water fountain
  23. New Capacity Control Solution
  24. chiller controller
  25. New technique?
  26. Micro active cooling
  27. New compressor design
  28. liquid refrigerant pumping
  29. Need help w an engineering class project...
  30. Bristol Compressor Corp
  31. Phase Loss Detection
  32. Are you interested in mixture refrigerant in cryogenics
  33. Capillary tube
  34. PU
  35. the future
  36. Thermoacoustic Refrigeration
  37. Evaporative Condensers info
  38. Icemaker with sun energy
  39. Large cold room for fresh produce made of Glass
  40. Tewis system
  41. Copeland Scroll Compressors
  42. Solenoid Valves
  43. Dual 2 ton compressor help wanted
  44. New Technology
  45. articmaster
  46. Early retirement?
  47. CO2 Systems
  48. New TFC regulator
  49. Dehumidification with a liquid desiccant.
  50. Gas leakage preventor
  51. Gas-fired motor
  52. Cost effective Freezer/Cooler Fire Detection
  53. Compression vs Absorption system
  54. DOAS issue
  55. New Israeli factory in Wales
  56. method to design air cooled condenser
  57. extra cooling on domestic refrigerator
  58. Xoetrope announce the release of XLintQuote
  59. Cool-Therm (UK) Bring you the oil less compressor...
  60. Technical paper help
  61. Ideas To submit
  62. Cryocooler
  63. -45 Chiller Head
  64. gas driven engine heat pump
  65. Energy Efficient Chillers
  66. water source heat pump
  67. Compressors links
  68. plate exchanger in heat recovery ventilator
  69. :rolleyes: capillary tube size in distributor?
  70. water cooled condenser shell type
  71. dry fan coil unit
  72. Convec A/S comfort panel
  73. seawater heat pump
  74. I need help with technical paper
  75. Maisotsenko cycle
  76. heat pump to boil water
  77. frostles heat pump
  78. air source heat pump
  79. There goes the neighborhood
  80. Power generator + cooler +heater
  81. Superseal
  82. Anyone tried this for ice?
  83. A useful article
  84. underfloor heating and cooling
  85. Oil Concentration Sensor
  86. Starcool
  87. Aerogel
  88. Superconductors
  89. Ammonia Heat Pumps
  90. Peltier wine cooler
  91. inverter vs liquid amplification
  92. designing a heatpump
  93. cmms
  94. DX heat pump
  95. DAIKIN News
  96. Who knows ECO AIR (an australia company)
  97. Magnetic refrigerators!!
  98. New idea for higher efficiency
  99. Help with new electronic refrigerator controller !
  100. heat pipe exchanger in HVAC
  101. Geothermal ground loop-multiple source/sink
  102. Where are the biodiesel powered A/Cs?
  103. Wonder Gas From Halfords(bicycle And Car Spares Shop)
  104. how to make aquarium chiller ?
  105. Daikin pack
  106. R718 as refrigerant
  107. variable expansion valve
  108. Container Reefer Unit for Controlled Atmosphere (CA)
  109. adsorption auto A/C?
  110. 3 bend evaporator
  111. is this kind of heat pump feasible
  112. RH in potato cold storage
  113. is this even possible??
  114. dual source heat pump
  115. Ice cream freezed with sound
  116. Night sky radiation for cooling
  117. free cooling issue
  118. VFD heat pump water heater?
  119. help me 911
  120. pure water from air
  121. sandwich panels production line
  122. Natural Refrigerant Hermetic Scroll Chiller Package Unit
  123. hydraulic floor heating issue
  124. ExactCharge Calculator
  125. refrigerator with ejector
  126. alternative defrost systems
  127. Titanium BPHE
  128. Uv In Blast Chillers
  129. starting of defrost time
  130. membrane
  131. semi-conductor cooling
  132. Ground source heatpumps?
  133. agriculture refrigeration application
  134. concreting heat source HP
  135. Dynamic Demand Technology
  136. heat exchanger material issue
  137. Dose Anybody know Auto Refrigeration Cascade System
  138. water cooler
  139. Horizontal Rotary compressor with capillary cooling
  140. Acid away
  141. What happens to all our contaninated reclaim?
  142. enthalpy wheel
  143. Stes
  144. converting ac equipment for power production
  145. Hot and cold battery powered pad?
  146. Inverter Compressor
  147. rel betwwen mass flowrate , preesure , temp
  148. Energy saving
  149. Where do we go from here?
  150. Cells Alive System
  151. Power Consumption of "Digital Scroll"
  152. Light- weight Compressor's No Oil No Bearings
  153. Something Interesting
  154. new idea for heat pump clothes dryers
  155. raspberries in the UK
  156. Carrier 30HW101
  157. electromagnetic defrost heat pump?
  158. Change walking cooler from R-12 to 409
  159. heat transfer enhancement issue
  160. dehumuidification HELP
  161. Rotative compressors, what is the range?
  162. module design issue
  163. in need of help!!!
  164. What if...?
  165. air conditioner electricity-saving appliance
  166. anybody can help me
  167. large refrigeration plant cooling tower issue
  168. piezoelectric cooling...
  169. Zuba Dan Mitsubshi
  170. cooling tower's free cooling issue
  171. Resedential copland 2 stage
  172. small chiller system
  173. ??
  174. Continous Commissioning technology
  175. Liquid pressure amplification (LPA)
  176. which compressor is the best?
  177. Help pls: air-to-air heat exchanger and Regenerative heat exchanger?
  178. automation in production line
  179. solar powered absorbtion unit
  180. M059 / F gas
  181. Sizing of ammonia surge drum
  182. Cryo dryer?
  183. air duct cleaning
  184. Aluminium radiator design
  185. Renewable energy sources
  186. SERVO TXVs
  187. refrigerant oil for screw compressor
  188. Warehouse cooling
  189. High temperature heat pumps
  190. no outdoor fan motor
  191. Thermobank system from Kramer
  192. Stirling cooler
  193. Differce of 50 hz and 60hz
  194. auto cascade
  195. oasysairconditioner issue
  196. indirect/direct evaporative cooling
  197. Worth a read
  198. convection/adsorption wind tunnel
  199. electrical heating cable issue
  200. TXV for Ethylene
  201. polymer heat exchanger
  202. VRV systems
  203. Compressor as Expander for power (Rankine Cycle)
  204. ORC project
  205. Advantages&Disadvantages of a Scroll Compressor
  206. Oil Separation System for a Scroll Compressor
  207. MBP Hydrocarbon refrigeration
  208. Unique cooling system Port-A-Cool replaces air conditioning
  209. heat pump water heater
  210. Help
  211. carrier chiller desuperheater fot hot water
  212. Daikin_A/C VRV II Plus
  213. Worth reading
  214. water cooling storage system
  215. Economiser
  216. co2 hp water heater
  217. R600a in USA residential refrigerators?
  218. sewage heat pump
  219. Milk Box Beeping
  220. ISAAC -who sells?
  221. does any 1 know HOW much cheaper it is to heat with AC heatpump compared to a boiler?
  222. Compressor Protection HBSO & HBSR Switches
  223. Bitzer SPX7000 oil for HC refrigerants
  224. energy saving module
  225. Refrigeration plant Hydro test
  226. ice storage issue
  227. r407c chiller issue
  228. solar powered air conditioning
  229. VRV issue
  230. fresh fruit store issue
  231. Vulcan's "Loktracer"
  232. Xdx
  233. New Fujitsu VRF Szstem
  234. oil free compressor
  235. Bryant geothermal heat pump dehumidfier
  236. Inverter Technology
  237. What is an Intelligent Power Module
  238. Info for York MaxE Centrifugal Chiller model YK (YKFBFBH7-CWF) 750ton
  239. CARRIER - experimental coil design
  240. Got -80C portable 25L cooler?
  241. CRAC(computer room ac) cost saving issue
  242. Vahterus Heat Exchanger
  243. Digital scroll
  244. Infrared freezer defrost
  245. Difference between AC Inverter & DC Inverter Compressor
  246. Digital V/s Inverter Technology
  247. Direct Driven Chillers
  248. Filter Drier
  249. Magnetic bearing compressors
  250. Therma-Stor Heat Recovery