Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post
Phosgene gas is also known as Mustard Gas. That which was used in the First World War.



Phosgene gas IS NOT the same as mustard gas...

Phosgene is a mix of chlorine and carbon monoxide. It is colorless and odorless and it attacks the lungs, causing edemas... simply put, it drowns you in your own body fluids....


Mustard gas is synthesized by treating sulfur dichloride with ethylene.

copied from wikipedia: Mustard gas is a strong vesicant (blister-causing agent). Due to its alkylating properties, it is also strongly mutagenic (causing damage to the DNA of exposed cells) and carcinogenic (cancer causing). Those exposed usually suffer no immediate symptoms. Within 4 to 24 hours the exposure develops into deep, itching or burning blisters wherever the mustard contacted the skin; the eyes (if exposed) become sore and the eyelids swollen, possibly leading to conjunctivitis and blindness. According to the Medical Management of Chemical Casualties handbook, there have been experimental cases in humans where the patient has suffered miosis, or pinpointing of pupils, as a result of the cholinomimetic activity of mustard. At very high concentrations, if inhaled, it causes bleeding and blistering within the respiratory system, damaging the mucous membrane and causing pulmonary edema. Blister agent exposure over more than 50% body surface area is usually fatal.


you were correct in the fact that Phosgene was used as a weapon in WWI...

I'm sorry, but it Pssses me of to no end when people mix these two up... they are not the same, never have and never will