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  1. #1
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    Heads up on F Gas and Refrigeration qualifications.


    (Apologies to the rest of the world, but this is relevant to the UK only ? though all the other EU countries are involved in similar work in their own countries. If you're in the EU, please check with your own authorities).

    There has been a lot of speculation here and elsewhere in the past few months about the need for new qualifications at vocational level.

    The need for demonstrated competence (i.e. new qualifications for the F Gas regulations) is about to be put into a separate implementing regulation, however BERR have posted the adopted text of the new regulation for the RAC sector on their web site, along with the relevant similar documents for the other trades and substances covered in the F Gas regulations.
    Those with an interest in MACs (car A/C etc) will find a similar text for this sector here to download.

    Here?s the site with the adopted proposal on it:
    It will probably be published in the EU Official Journal in a few weeks time, then 20 days later, it takes effect in law.

    One side effect of this new regulation is that it defines in law what an ?installation? is. This definition will effectively mean that those who do not possess the relevant qualifications to do the work (home owners, plumbers, electricians etc) will not be allowed to do it ? legally that is. So that should see the end of DIY unit sales in certain hyper-markets.

    On the subject of the substance of the new qualifications, BERR and DEFRA are consulting with Summit Skills in the UK for a new set of qualifications for a range of sectors, including mechanical services (Air Conditioning) and refrigeration.
    The skills also cover an option for NIKs ? CO2, Ammonia, HCs etc.

    Summit Skills have produced a draft of an envisaged series of vocational skills to align with and satisfy the F Gas requirements at (S) NVQ levels 2 and 3.

    Here?s a link to their site, there is a limited amount of time for industry consultation and they are collecting views on their web site which may influence their decisions. So there's an opportunity for the trainers and similar who regularly post here to voice their opinions.

    Laguna Bay II Condo Pattaya
    Last edited by Argus; 16-09-2011 at 02:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Brian_UK's Avatar
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    Re: Heads up on F Gas and Refrigeration qualifications.

    Thanks Argus, head down time again methinks
    Last edited by Argus; 16-09-2011 at 02:14 AM.

  3. #3
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    Re: Heads up on F Gas and Refrigeration qualifications.

    Yes, we have heard the same rumors of a new qualification. More paperwork & expense!!

    C&G2078 qualification was to last for life they said!!

    didn't say there would be another though!!

    Anyway, if it keeps us at a competitive edge, & drives the cowboys away, it can only be good for the industry (oh & the climate).

    Does anyone know if REFCOM membership is obligotory for companies or optional if they run there own 'in-house scheme'

    Billy Ray
    Last edited by Argus; 16-09-2011 at 02:15 AM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Heads up on F Gas and Refrigeration qualifications.

    Thanks for the link Argus.
    I note all input must be in by the 15th of February.
    So all who are interested please note!
    Thanks for showing where we can have a say.
    And A big thanks to you and the others whom have been keeping us so well informed.
    The extreme vaporizer review
    Last edited by Argus; 16-09-2011 at 02:15 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: Heads up on F Gas and Refrigeration qualifications.


    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzly View Post

    I note all input must be in by the 15th of February.
    So all who are interested please note!

    Summit Skills admit that a couple of weeks is short notice.

    If you intend to comment (I haven?t looked at it in detail yet myself), may I suggest the following format:

    1. Copy the text of the bit you want to comment on.
    2. State what you think is wrong with it clearly and concisely.
    3. Suggest an alternative with a reasoned rationale why you think it needs amendment.

    In other words, resist the temptation to tear it to shreds and tell them they are all a pack of pratts and it?s not going to work, because they won?t take any notice.
    If you give them a reasoned argument and an alternative, then they will.
    They may not agree, but the reason is that they need to have taken their plans to the industry and obtained some form of consensus.

    Also, expect your comments to be in the public domain, unless they allow anonymous comments (which I doubt).

    More to the point ? estimate how many people there are in the industry in all its forms in the UK who will need these new qualifications (estimates vary, but I?ve heard figures of 40,00), then work out where all the qualified trainers are who will do all this work.

    The Govt is seriously concerned about all this to the point that it may well be watered down simply to achieve the results in the time available.

    Vapir one reviews
    Last edited by Argus; 16-09-2011 at 02:15 AM.

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