Hi, Frank

Quote Originally Posted by frank View Post
Well, I'm paying for a 2mb connection. What do you think I can do about the following results?
1) Complain
2) Reduce my monthly payment accordingly
3) Vote with my feet and move elsewhere
4) Pack up the internet and live happily ever after

All is simple and not...paying for 2mb connection you have only warranty for that speed from your home to your provider...after that you need a good luck...for example if you try to use some server with low speed of 500kb you cannot get more then maybe 300-400kb, if..

....from other posts you can see they ping a local server at very close distance and they have high speed...

Anyhow even when you ping a "local" server your speed is too low....try to complain and see what they will say....

Best regards, Josip