Quote Originally Posted by Pooh View Post
I see it is just another money making scam. They are just a group of assessors that go round charging people for looking at their building designs and telling them how GREEN they are.

Just like the crew I've just had to register with. SafeContractor.com.
It appears that they've been round to one of my clients with whom I've worked for over 15 years, and sold them the idea that, if they contact all of their customers and get them to register and then be assessed re: H & S, it would relieve the onus on said client if anything went wrong.

Obviously it's at my cost, so now I have to fill in a load of H & S forms, spend unproductive hours copying forms, submitting all sorts of who knows what, all at my cost, just so that I can continue working for my client as I always have done.

The only diffence now it seems is that, should something untoward happen, it's DEFINATELY my fault 'cos the paperwork ses so

have a look and see what you think. Does it make us safer? http://www.safecontractor.com/