Iceman, you are in the US, the plant manager has discounted my observation that nearly all of the knowledge with co2 has been acquired in Europe. He says we now know this is not true and that there is substantual project development in the US. He says they are building tons of new facilities in the US using only co2 systems. Much safer, much cheaper, much more effecient. I know he is being fed a lot of stuff from a company that wants to contract the new quick freezer facility we would like to add to our existing ammonia refrigerated plant. I can't seem to even get anyone to think about how we could design the new freezer in such a way that it would help the existing system and solve some of the existing complications. When we met on this issue the other day the IRR numbers were mostly in the red. the one option that was not in the red was pretty low. how many total co2 plants do you know of in the US currently? I keep telling him it is to stinkin cold for what we need. I just consult, I am not the decision maker. but I will inherit whatever we install.