Hi NH3-Coolman,

My thoughts abouts Non Condensables Gases
  • They are a mixture of gases and they are running through the systems.They fill all the space where they are (Boyle)
  • They do not separated nither by gravety , for diferente density nor low velocity or other mecanical medio as does water and oil
  • Just we have to create spot where they are richer .Its concetration is higher.These spots could be in any point where exists a dead zone (zone whithout flow).
  • A good place to create a dead zone and richer non-condensable zone is at the outlet of the condenser. So you make an inverted siphon to crate a ammoniac liquid seal or you can go with a manifold benneth the thermosiphon creanting again a seal
  • Finally you should cold down this mixture of gasses trapped to condese the ammonia and get rid out the Non condensables gases. The temperature to cold down will depend of the amount of the Non condensables gases in the mixture. it should be as lower as possible
I also like to point out (as the collegues have said) the higt pressure in the sistem could be for many problems.For instance.
The distane between the oulet and the seal in a condenser is very import. A shorter distance could make the condenser flooded and you lost the heat transfer area increasing the condenser presure.It happen when you have an existing installation and you add condenser differente side ,diferente brand ,differente place.
Some time the discharge pipe is not tild correctly and some oil sack and liquid are build incrasing pressure drop

Hope this thought can help