Josip raises many valid points. There is too much of a tendency to want books that cover all of the details. A book is no replacement for experience or first hand exposure.

The books written all seem to start with some form of the basics and then continue to explain different areas or topics the author felt important.

There is just TOO MUCH information to write a single book on industrial refrigeration. The books that try to address a wide range of topics invariably only provide a small amount of detail.

I have also seen a large increase in requests for information about control systems. Why??? A control system simply turns things on or off.

The real problem related to control systems is: how will the system work at different conditions? And, what type of control logic allows the system to use the minimum amount of energy.

The factor that makes a good control system is the control logic. This you will only get from understanding the interaction of the components in operation and how refrigeration systems work in a dynamic situation.

Quote Originally Posted by Josip
Maybe I am not right....
I think you are pretty close to the answer there my friend.