Originally posted by zolar1
Well, today I went to the automotive parts store to pick up a fan belt. While chatting with one of the managers, the manager told me that a 'refrigeration guy' bought a R134a conversion kit for a walk-in cooler. I can only postulate that the 'guy' didn't have a license or proper equipment. The USEPA needs to address this problem as I'm sure the 'guy' didn't do the job properly nor affix the proper refrigerant labels. (True Story)

I cannot help but wonder if that engineer 'guy' was a member of the following organization?

Special Corporation (of) Refrigeration Engineer Wizeguys

Or S.C.R.E.W. for short?

Maybe someone could check into this practice?


Reminds me of a guy I heard about somewhere who selects compressors by locked-rotor amps!

You know, I never found out whether that guy ever became a better tech by working at improving his knowledge. I wonder.