Quote Originally Posted by US Iceman

So I agree with you the suction pressure will decrease if the liquid temperature is lowered, if the compressor does not have capacity control.
Good, we came at an agreement.
Now, suppose the compressor has capacity control. In this case the COP will be increased by the lower mass flow, but it will be decreased by the disproportion of the motor size to the actual mass flow.
This will also negatively affect the power factor of the plant because

Quote Originally Posted by BC Hydro hxxp://www.bchydro.com/rx_files/psbusiness/psbusiness1531.pdf
Factors affecting the power factor of an induction motor are size, speed and load. The larger the
motor and faster its speed, the higher the full-load
power factor. The power factor of a motor varies
according to its load. The higher the percentage of
the rated load, the higher the power factor.