Hi Guys,

I am going back to fit a new pot tommorow, now having never done one before this is what i intend to do and i think its one of those cases where you don't go exactly by the book !!!.

Now i intend to shut off the valves at the VRV unit, reclaim the gas inside it (I assume there is a port there somewhere) Change pot, pressure test under staning pressure in case valves bypassing, vac out and recharge weight taken out.

Now, i am sure the correct BY THE BOOK !!! procedure would be reclaim complete system so you can do a strength test but this will take days to reclaim a large office block.

Now, another point. Space doesnt seem to be a problem inside these units so why don't the manufactures make them like pack systems with service ports on the pots so you don't have to reclaim the whole CU. Splits only hold a couple of KG so it doesn't take long to reclaim but i would think a VRV holds 6-7 kg min.

Any comments

