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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
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    Question Kelvinator KSD90HWJ builds up mildew within a week or two every time.

    Im probably in the wrong place here and after creating an account i found that this forum is probably only for professionals but i will ask anyways.

    We had this 9kw aircon installed two years ago and after about a month of use it already built up mildew and was smelling bad. We then had it cleaned, and no more than a few weeks it needed a clean again as the smell got bad and coils covered in mildew. We only use it during summer time here in australia but as soon as we do, week or two later it requires another clean. I do not think its normal. We keep doors and windows shut and not open for longer than a few seconds at a time. Even during periods of draught and very low humidity it is an issue.. I tried putting the temperature on 27 or 26 instead of 24. I have a big air purifier and a dehumidifier. I have ran the aircon on cold program then tried the dehumidifying program but it just keeps growing mildew. The same guy who installed it came and cleaned it and he said yeah his needs pretty frequent cleaning too but every 2 weeks? I doubt it. The aircon runs 24/7, tonight i came home and sat in front of the aircon and it was spraying tiny droplets of water on me and i opened the “lid” and the coils were completely wet, aircon was on 26 and outside temp was also 26. I have worked in a motel, gone to schools and daycares and peoples houses and nobody has this issue. And their doors are open all day while aircon is running full blast. How is this possible ? Our house is fairly new. No sources of mould or mildew anywhere. What could be the issue? Please help. (We keep filters regularly cleaned as well, drain is not blocked, poured a cup in the coils and none dribbled out anywhere)(ps i don’t know anything about aircons )

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
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    Re: Kelvinator KSD90HWJ builds up mildew within a week or two every time.


    Hello Maria.

    An unusual one and not one I have come across that reacts this badly.
    As a rule AC units don't get mildewy (I think I invented a new word )
    too often and if they do it is after months and months of neglect and abuse.

    The coil is wet you say and spitting water droplets??

    That could be a worry because if the AC has bacteria growing in it that could
    also be thrown out while it is running. There are some nasty bacteria's so it
    does need looking at.

    I'd be tempted to check the control settings and get somebody who knows about
    measuring air for Dew points and humidity.

    It seems to me sat in an English winter that the System is not evaporating at the correct temp and
    that can only be resolved by somebody who knows what they are looking at.

    All the best


    .. ... -. .----. - / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / --. --- --- -..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
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    Re: Kelvinator KSD90HWJ builds up mildew within a week or two every time.

    Could water be collecting in the drip tray and not draining away properly?
    Is the indoor unit sitting level, and fitted to a level wall?
    Is the drain pipe/hose angled down from the indoor unit?
    Interested to hear about opportunities to learn -

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