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  1. #1
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    Air Conditioners


    What are the side effects of air conditioners?

  2. #2
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    Re: Air Conditioners

    Electricity bill

  3. #3
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    Re: Air Conditioners


    If you actually manage to swallow one I bet it will hurt on the way out...

  4. #4
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    Re: Air Conditioners

    Cost of repairs as in replacement PCB's....and possibly a blocked condensate drain creating a leaking roof effect around 3 AM on a hot humid Night.
    To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is half empty.

  5. #5
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    Re: Air Conditioners

    Being cool when all your neighbours are sweating in a UK heatwave

  6. #6
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    Re: Air Conditioners

    Quote Originally Posted by SimonWillis View Post

    What are the side effects of air conditioners?
    I guess you are looking at other aspects….

    Well, if the room air-conditioner is kept completely clean, it should enhance your survival, maintaining a room temperature to your liking (warm enough, cool enough, and not too humid). Assuming you have some clean fresh air in the room, too, this is a reasonably nice environment.

    However, people tend to forget to clean the room unit or maybe just clean it a little….. and eventually you will get a build-up of dirt/bacteria in the unit, collecting in the heat exchanger, on the fan wheel, etc etc. The aircon unit becomes a dirt collector and distributor. And then you have a source of trouble, circulating its dirty air into the room.

    There is the possibility of refrigerant leakage into the room for those who worry about odd chemicals in the air. Assuming no leaky joints inside the room (actually every flared joint will let a couple of molecules out, not that you’d notice) that should not be a worry. Ideally braze the joints to the room unit for a better joint.

    Some people who work in a room with an air-conditioner complain that it gives them headaches. For sure, if the cool airflow is detectable on the person’s skin, as a cold draught or a warm stream of airflow, that can be annoying. But if the room unit is properly sized and positioned correctly to avoid such issues while reaching most areas of the room, that should not be an issue.

    I say should not, but it often remains the target of the person with headaches or other physical problems.

    Sometimes, because the aircon is on, the room users shut the windows to save on running costs, and in doing so they shut out the fresh air. After a while the stale air can have a detrimental effect on their alertness etc. Some aircon units can bring in enough fresh air without using windows, which should resolve that aspect.

    But still there will be occupants with complaints of headaches etc etc.

    It is hard to isolate the cause, especially when the true cause is a person in the room, bringing down the tone of the others, and he/she giving everyone a headache. (The news reports tend to do this too btw.) Some occupants have allergies that they will attribute to the aircon unit. That’s very hard to resolve, difficult to prove, and not something you want to get into.

    Then there are those who want the room warm (24degC) and others who want it cooler (21degC), and there will be arguments all day long about who changed the desired temperature up/down.

    (If a domestic, you just might find the council wanting to up your rates if you have aircon installed :0 )

    Guess there are some other side effects.....

  7. #7
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    Re: Air Conditioners

    Hi simon
    the term Air Conditioning is used as a marketing ploy these days, the majority of suppliers would not have a clue what A/C actually means.
    Most sell air coolers or air heaters and totally disregard air quality, ok token air filtration added. So what happens to oxygen levels / fresh air make up and extraction, what happens to maintain relative humidity control.
    Split system heat pumps are just that and only that, they move heat from one point to another not Air Conditioning in the real sense of the term

  8. #8
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    Re: Air Conditioners


    People with chronic headaches and fatigue tend to have them whether aircon is on or off, even when nowhere near an aircon unit.

    If the air-conditioner in the room is left without maintenance, then it is likely that there will be a buildup of dirt (bacteria) in the filter that would be blown back into the room. That could in time give poor room conditions. But if a room-user is not cleaning the aircon unit, they likely have other hygiene issues which will all add up to poor health.

    Most of the regular aircon units just recirculate air in the room. They take air from the room, filter, cool or heat it, and return it to the room. When cooling, they remove excess moisture from the room, which can possibly lower the humidity level to say 30%. But as these regular units are just recirculating air, there should be some fresh air provided, either by open windows or via ducts and fans (plus infiltration through doors etc). That fresh air lifts the moisture level.

    Dry skin is more often to do with drinking very little water. A nurse told me we should be drinking at least two litres per day of clean water. Coffee, tea, sugar/alcoholic drinks don't count but exacerbate the situation.

    Low blood pressure is heart issue, and stress. Switching the aircon on or off will not raise or lower a person’s blood pressure.

    Arthritis and neuritis have to do with inflammation and the sufferer would be better looking at the highly processed foods they eat. GM for example is mega-bad for a body, introducing new proteins that we do not recognise, usually resulting in major sensitivities and changes to hormonal levels and digestive tract. They fed GM-Corn to cows in order to fatten them up and create a nice marbling affect in the meat. (Tip: go for organic foods instead.)
    Sugar levels in food is another one…..
    Oh, and mercury (very poisonous) in the teeth is also mega-bad.....
    Cooking in aluminium trays (lot of supermarket food) is mega bad ....
    Last edited by Good^Man; 29-10-2016 at 11:40 AM.

  9. #9
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    Re: Air Conditioners

    There are many side effects by using air conditioners
    • By using air conditioners you feel illness and constant tiredness
    • Your skin is also dry with contant usage of air conditioners
    • You are unable to deal with hot summer temperatures
    • By constant use of air conditioners, breathing problems are also occur
    • Eye problems are also emerge by using air conditioners

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Re: Air Conditioners

    Quote Originally Posted by aarenabbi View Post
    There are many side effects by using air conditioners
    • By using air conditioners you feel illness and constant tiredness
    • Your skin is also dry with contant usage of air conditioners
    • You are unable to deal with hot summer temperatures
    • By constant use of air conditioners, breathing problems are also occur
    • Eye problems are also emerge by using air conditioners
    Would you please provide some medical proof to your claims.

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