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  1. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
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    Re: When we need operator in NH3 engine room

    We find companies reducing staff all the time to save money & call service companies to repair.
    Automation has changed how people run plants if labour is expensive (like in Australia).
    Ammonia plant operators almost non existent in Australia as they used to run boilers which are now mostly automatic as well.
    There is usually someone who knows something on these sites that can take instructions or make safer until service company arrives.
    A lot of plants especially with lots of people in production areas use secondary refrigerants like glycol.
    Older plants have to work towards this as if something happens, people hurt, investigations, fines etc.

    Unless it's a catastrophe most people let you know of a leak probably before ammonia detection systems.

    If safety trips are checked regularly, relief valves checked/changed regularly, pipework checked repaired etc I guess it reduces risk of leaks, it's ongoing.

    To me unusual to have major leak unless by human error, like forklift damaging pipework, oil draining, so procedures & safety barriers could or have been implemented.

    We had one plant that did have a major ammonia leak on plate freezer, so automatic shut off valves installed linked to ammonia detection. At least it could be contained.

    Some places use ammonia concentration monitors to show workers that they are in no danger, as usually they want to stop work for any reason.
    In some cases people have a panic attack & go to hospital, because of a small ammonia smell.

    If a plant is assessed & all are different, maybe some safety procedures or safety recommendations can be made.
    If in remote areas the people are usually independent to a certain degree as a matter of necessity.
    Last edited by RANGER1; 06-06-2016 at 10:03 PM.

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