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No. 14: F-Gas shock threat to HFCs

HFCs face European ban

The sale of HFCs for use in rac applications could be banned within five years, following a surprise U-turn on the European F-Gas legislation.

The industry has reacted with dismay to the proposals, which cover both domestic and commercial refrigeration and air conditioning.

The changes were recommended by the Environment Committee of the European Parliament in advance of the second reading of the F-Gas legislation, due to take place later this month.

It was not clear whether the proposed ban includes both the sale and use of HFCs for cooling applications.

The committee's recommendation that "fluorinated greenhouse gases shall only be used where other safe, technically feasible and environmentally acceptable alternatives do not exist" would have far-reaching consequences for equipment manufacturers and end-users.

The move marks a significant departure from the previous approach under the F-Gas proposals, which were based on containment of HFCs rather than a phase-out.

If adopted, the recommendations would see the phase-out of HFCs in domestic and commercial refrigeration and in stationary air conditioning systems by 2010, the same end-date as the previous generation of HCFC systems.

Cedric Sloan, director general of the Federation of Environmental Trades Association, said: "We are disappointed that the MEPs on the Environment Committee have taken it upon themselves to ignore the professional advice offered on many occasions by representatives of the refrigeration and air conditioning industry."

He added: "We have repeatedly explained that bans on HFCs are neither necessary nor environmentally sound. Indeed, the bans they proposed on October 11 could be damaging to all users of HFC-based systems - incurring unwarranted expense to hospitals, government buildings, retail outlets and commercial offices across the country."

The proposed amendments will be put before a European Parliament Plenary session, from 24 to 27 October, for a final vote.

The Environment Committee urged member states to promote alternatives through fiscal and other measures, and called for products with a Global Warming Potential of less then 50 to be used for refrigeration equipment and air conditioning products other than those contained in motor vehicles.

The MEPs also called on the European Commission to propose further legislation on air conditioning systems, other than those in vehicles, by the end of 2008.

MEP Avril Doyle, who drafted the report, recommended the use of a single environmental legal base for the regulation as "the most logical step for legislation" aimed at tackling climate change.

The decision was welcomed by Greenpeace as "a victory in the battle against global warming, which vindicates those progressive countries and companies that have already switched to climate-friendly alternatives."

However, a representative of EPEE, the European Partnership for Energy and the Environment, said the proposed bans would be disproportionate and technologically prescriptive. Director General Friedrich Busch said: "We urge the European Parliament as a whole to reject the Environment Committee's report on F-gases."

The European Parliament report of the committee's decision can be found here.

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