an old saying here is you can't help some on who is unwilling to help them self. I am all ways game for furthering ones grasp of their field, half the fun in refrigeration is all the neat new stuff you learn while doing it! On one of josips threads I learnt I was wrong with how I understood amonia and aluminium work togeather! some times it is hard for others to let go of their preconcieved ideas and treat it as an emotional attack rather then some one volunteering their hard earned experiance to help us on the right path!

when I look at the title in hind sight, the way it is titled lends towards he wasn't here to learn hence why I said only he could prove him self wrong, all we can do is lend out or grasp of it!

It is unfortunat he wasted this oppertunity, I hope he gets over the issues and comes back in a more responsive way to learn from the volumes of knowledge the users here posses! It has helped me along greatly. So on his behalf I thank all of you for your shared knowledge!