Quote Originally Posted by mechanicalman View Post
For weeks we were getting battered on this thread from people saying why are you promoting this product, are you a share holder, well no we are not, and yes we tested because a client asked us too. Everyone is talking about compromising the food with Endocube, and other are talking about liquid run times, defrost cycle reductions etc etc etc. Well I called the company myself, unlike many who keep moaning, and they sent me the full NSF testing information with everything covered on maintaining regulated temperatures and all we needed to know for a certain area we are looking to show another client who we know would ask about certain concerns.

I then was sent a flyer a client was emailed by there utility company offering a rebate on this product. I have worked with clients trying to get rebates on variable speed motors and it is a nightmare. The utilities need a lot of evidence before offering a rebate, and this one particular is one of the largest.

So from a food safety stand point, and an engineering proof it works stand point. I think that have got it covered. and while we keep opening threads. they are getting more interest.

Good luck to them
Why not post the full NSF testing data! I am happy to be proved wrong.
My understanding of the NSF is around food safety, not food quality or energy saving. Prof Don, indicated that food safety was not really an issue, I will accept his opinion on this matter.