Quote Originally Posted by Turbo2212 View Post
Are you being serious Chillerman? I am hoping to start doing refrigeration again and am looking at booking a course? I heard it was a breeze.
Quote Originally Posted by taz24 View Post
I think you will find the chillerman has a sense of humour

But if you are returning and think the qual is a breeze, think again and do some proper research and revision.

People are failing this exam and some are so called experienced and qualified.

You might be very good and know all the required information, which if true is good. But
if you walk in thinking it is a breeze you may be in for a rude shock.

All the best


Thanks Taz, for setting him straight

Turbo as Taz has also said this is not a breeze, you will need to understand fundamentals & carry out practical to include charging/decanting/pressure/strength testing, brazing, refrigerant logs & new legistlation's .... it's a bit more than the old 2078 & there have been many that have needed to return + retake the test/course

If you need a full breakdown of what you need to know/do am sure between us we could give you a more accurate breakdown

R's chillerman