Been fighting with the techs at shinco twice now with my 12000btu unit. first time took 1.5 months to get the board replaced, got it back and it started acting up from time to time. lasted a few months. Then it took another 2.5 months to get another replacement... all of this under warantee.

If you are considering buying one of these units, DONT, its not worth thee agrivation! they are decently built but the service SUCKS. I am a very patient person and i was ready to make a trip to montreal to visit these idiots in person. I am extremely happy with the performance of the units WHEN they work but for the extra 30-50% save yourself the agrivation and get a good unit.

Now for the part related to this tread. If you are unfortunate enough to have purchased one of these units and you are getting an E4 code be sure to check the jumpers on the outside control board. They told me when they sent the new board out that they actually put each board on a unit and make it run, They are full of crap. The board they delivered to me had the jumpers sized to fit where they were installed, however they had jumpered from L1 to L4 and L2 to L3, their wireing diagram clearly shows L1 to L3 and L2 to L4. once we made this adjustment the unit runs fine. Pisses me off that they straigh out lie to you saying the actually run the boards when clearly they don't as if they did they would have realized that this terminal block was jumpered incorectly!

Easy fix once you know to look for it.