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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
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    Question LG Air Conditioning S24AW Question (Chaos Swing)

    Hello All!

    I've just installed several LG S24AW Air Conditioners in a restaurant, which the customer is more than happy with, however he has a minor problem with one of them. The problem is that he is getting grumbles from some customers that the breeze from the a/c is concentrating on them.

    When telling me of the problem, I thought that it would be a simple problem to solve. It's the model with 'CHAOS' Swing, and to stop the vanes from swinging you press the chaos button, stopping the vanes in the position required. The problem is the chaos swing is random, and doesn't quite swing to the location we want it.

    Is there any solution to this problem, maybe there is a way to turn Chaos Swing off? At the moment the customer is stoping the lovers in the nearest position, then manually moving the vanes, which the book advices against (as it could damage the vane motor) and means every time the a/c is switched on he has to climb a step ladder to do so, which he is not happy with.

    Any help much appreciated!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Lusk , Dublin
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    Re: LG Air Conditioning S24AW Question (Chaos Swing)

    Set the vanes to where you want them and unplug the motors .Sorry I don't know much about LG other than they are crap,but that's the easiest option.
    Tool's ? check ! Condom's ? check !
    If you can't fix it , f*ck it !!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
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    Re: LG Air Conditioning S24AW Question (Chaos Swing)

    chaos is to simulate a natural wind effect but it works poorly and it gives a varied flow, if you lock the flaps once you power it down and back up you will need to reset it again i would do as above but leavethe motor connected as then you wont get any stepper motor fault codes up disconect the flap and fix where customer requires it and get good on them because we have stopped fitting lgs as feed up with warrantie issues on them wait until the cold weather starts

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