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  1. #1
    cstreames's Avatar
    cstreames Guest

    M&S engineer job, returning from a 3 year break.

    First of all hi to everyone here,

    A little about me, 3 years ago I was made redundant from job as an install engineer and due to the financial climate I stepped into a new career and left my a/c days behind me. I had qualified from college and was about to become a full engineer.

    Lately I have been looking to return to a/c and today I was offered a maintenance and service job by someone willing to give me a chance.

    My worry is that due to my 3 years out the game I have lost a lot of my newly gained (3years ago) service knowledge and when I was working it was mainly installs although service was something I was always interested in.

    Can you guys give me your recommendations as to what my next stesp should be and help my learn service basics quick



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Lusk , Dublin
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    Re: M&S engineer job, returning from a 3 year break.

    Hi cstreames
    Being out of the trade is nothing to be worried about.
    It's like riding a bike, Get your hands on as many service manuals as you can and browse them.
    At the end of the day there is no substitute for hands on experience so just get stuck in.
    You'll learn more from a mistake than any book.
    Best of luck !
    Tool's ? check ! Condom's ? check !
    If you can't fix it , f*ck it !!!

  3. #3
    cstreames's Avatar
    cstreames Guest

    Re: M&S engineer job, returning from a 3 year break.

    Cheers Stu, I'm just apprehensive as to my knowledge and the guy is going out on a limb offering me the job and I don't want to let him down. I guess most of the jobs will be brushing filters and when I come across that 1st nightmare unit I won't be alone.

    I could do with a service engineers tool list any ideas?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Southampton, England
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    Re: M&S engineer job, returning from a 3 year break.

    Hi Chris.
    I think a willingness to learn, try and be thorough, ask plently of questions as well as what Stu mentioned. You'll be surprised at the lack of knowledge out there so try not to think that a job somewhere will make you slip up and reflect badly on you when everyone else would have sorted it easily.
    Also if you will be doing AC, start collecting fault codes for the various makes and try and pick up how to get service info, set clocks, timers (good luck on that one!) etc from the remotes. The manufacturers technical helplines are very erm, helpful also some wholesaler have a tech department as well. I can send you some if need be.

    Good Luck,

    PS, Make sure the coil cleaner doesn't get near a cassette PCB. I'm sure we've all blown one up.
    Health and safety first..........unless I'm in a hurry.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Lusk , Dublin
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    Re: M&S engineer job, returning from a 3 year break.

    As for a tool list , a good true rms meter and clamp ,a good thermometer, gauges ,Vac gauge ,Vac pump,comparator,recovery unit and cylinder (just in case)turbo torch and a trusty brush and hoover for the filter cleaning which is inevitable. And all the usual hand tools.
    Have a look around this site for technical manuals most makes are covered.
    Don't be worried about making mistakes,we all make them,the trick is to learn from them and don't make the same one twice,if you do don't tell anyone
    If you ever are stuck you can always log on here for advice
    Tool's ? check ! Condom's ? check !
    If you can't fix it , f*ck it !!!

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