Quote Originally Posted by stufus View Post
Are you comfortable up there on your high horse ?
Or maybe you have a poor view from your soap box through your rose tinted glasses !!
What's with the sudden change of opinion ??
And i quote...With AC and gauge lines you will always lose what is in the line
no easy way round it realy. The quicker you take the fitting off
the less you lose.

But what would I know considering my levels of knowledge are in your opinion a lot lower than what is required !
Remember !!!..Opinions are like arseholes , everyone's got one!
A lot of us in the A/C trade ended up here by choice !
The OP is more than likely referring to splits but a person of your superior knowledge and ability would obviously know that the A/C industry consists of many more machines and applications where schrader valves are not the norm.
As for getting flamed for your comment's .
What did you expect with a comment as generalising as that ???
I knew this would happen.

Losing a bit of refrigerant while fitting and removing is going to happen.
If you have the facility to pump down then do it and save the loss,
if you can only get the gauges to the same pressure as the suction then
at least the liquid has been put back into the system.

You can only do what you can do with the equipment you have and the
requirement is to take all reasonable steps to minimise losses, not totaly
stop it.

So kwick couplers and ball valves are great. The self sealing ones look good
and if they work, fanstastic. Some 410a systems only have one access point
so getting gas out of the lines is a different ball game altogether.

So if I'm passionate about my skill and trade and if I want to keep the standards
as high as I have been expected to work, I will not apologise for that.

if that sounds to you like I'm putting people down, that I do apologise for.
People need to learn, but a lot of companies out there think that their guys
are qualified because they have a Fgas ticket and can put pipes indoors from

Any one working on refrigeration & AC systems should be able to stand infront
of the system and work out how to fit gauges, every time and with minimal fuss.

Call that being on my soap box, but I call it pride in my work.

Give the guy his due, he asked and is prepared to learn. The day we stop asking
is the day we are in trouble.

I would like to know who taught him?
I would like to know what company employs somone and not train them in the basics?

So if you are happy with the level of ability in our industry, thats OK. I'm not. I think standards
are slipping and I think we are becoming a component changing trade and not a trade that
I used to know that could ask why, fault find and work out why.

Maybe I'm old fashioned, maybe I'm balancing on my soap box way up on my high horse..........
I'd like to think I had standards........

Maybe I'm wrong..

All the best

