Quote Originally Posted by glenn1340 View Post
My big hate is those asreholes who think they`re to important to stay in lane on a motorway so they pull into the inside lane, middle lane back again into the inside lane then straight to the outside lane, cutting everyone up in the process. I know I shouldn`t do it but many a time I`ve looked in my nearside mirror to see som tw*t speeding up to undertake me. A warm glow comes over me when I see him brake hard to avoid the artic in front as I accelerate to shut the door on him.
I thought the rule in the UK is to keep left on any carriageway. People who stay in lanes 2, 3, 4 etc are lane hoggers and technically wrong. The Police will pull them over for this.
I also understand it's an offence to accelerate when someone is overtaking you, which ever lane they're using. So closing the door is not clever by any standard. You might find the reason for you being undertaken is because you might be hogging the middle lane? .... But

If you're refering to those stupid wizz kids that just cut every one else up... then I have to agree with you there .