Thanks Derek, et al, and regards Randy for your interesting example.

Derek, if supermarket guys are the prima donna's it can only be because they work on the most poorly designed refrigeration applications on earth. For me, that is not something to necessarily be proud of. Think of it this way:

In any warehouse.... with any reefer... with any self-contained application.... and on.... refrigeration is principal in the design. Now....

In a supermarket, refrigeration sucks a hind tit as we say in the states, and perhaps you call a

The decorators and designers have their way and suggest we make stuff cold as an after-thought.
And to add to that, supermarkets think that we don't need doors on refrigerators but should keep things open for the public.

"I want that couch over there, and now I want it refrigerated.... make that ice cream. Do what you have to." The sales man says "no problem."

The installation foreman says okay, too. He puts it in (Screw it, they are paying for it.)

I am not sure, but if there is any reason for a supermarket tech to feel superior it would be simply because he works on the most bass-ackwardly designed equipment out there and he knows that there is no person with any wisdom overseeing him.

Also, keep in mind that supermarket refrigeration is tremendously distributed.... where we buy the product.

One at most every corner down hereabouts. For any warehouse application, I would expect one or two technicians... stationary engineers just making sure their refrigeration works ok. Not a bad 9-to-5 job, actually. Bonding with one set of circumstances that don't change dramatically. Dialling in a fridge aplication and reading a newspaper because "MY" **** takes care of itself...

I love the guys who apply for work and show me that they have "warehouse" or "cryogenic" or "a/c" experience. But when I look in their eyes, I don't think what I have to offer is what they are looking for. "ON-CALL!" Let me steal your life this weekend and pay you 4-hours pay for denying your life what what you would not deny yourself otherwise. Maybe you will be lucky. There is a tremendous difference between 2-hours response time and 24-hours response time.

In my mind.... there is no more crushing obligation than the one toward supermarket refrigeration.

Perhaps that is where the Prima Donna begins.

Going rate in Florida is to have a tech run service on 6-to-12 supermarkets. And he runs into all the people who want to re-arrange the couch. If there is water on a floor, well, shucks, it is the refrigeration guys' fault.

Whew.... I typed all that really fast and just plumb wore my alleged brain out. Let me take a breath.

My last distracted thought: There is no room for elite people if they aren't there to fix stuff. The Elite are the people who are there to fix stuff.

And that is all I have to say. So Humph!


I guess that's all.