Quote Originally Posted by Gary
Saving energy isn't always a good thing.
If I turn this around just a bit, I would add: Trying to save energy which results in unintended consequences is just plain dumb. This is like you example or that of benji. Turning off compressors to save energy is not good either.

Energy reduction (& associated costs for it) has to be accomplished in a manner which allows the refrigeration system to meet its intended duty with no negative impact.

One of the major issues is what I call the cookie-cutter syndrome. Everyone wants to use the same approach on any application. These prescriptive approaches are not always helpful and do not produce the anticipated results. Then energy conservation gets a bad name.

I had a conversation with someone who basically implied if you were not a Certified Energy Manager, you did not understand the problems and were of no use to them.

BS (large male cow excrement) was almost my reply...