Thank you!

Well, I was very rookie (and didn't had so much tools) at piping when I started working on this cascade. I would probably do way better now, and to be honest I'm thinking about disasembling it to rebuild it sometimes.

I'm not using captubes anymore here but CPEVs at each level. Well, I'm using captubes only to connect 3rd stage expansion tanks to succion side (black cylinders on the left).

I've already thought about using another oil sep for R14, but this ShineYear isn't too bad I think. The cascade can handle about -125C during hours without issues.

The only matter is, well at least I guess, the 2nd stage. I'm not sure R1150 is really appropriate here. I'm waiting for a bottle of R23; it might be better.

Refrigerants are R290, R1150 and R14. Well, R1150 is a bit hard to use here. It needs a quite low temperature to condensate, not easily achieved with R290 under load, and when condensated it goes down to a very low temperature, may be too low for R14 to work appropriately.

R290, R23 and R14 should be better.