The problem i have with your discussion is that in the case of what we call a technition is the training that many get is insufficient for the (how it works)because the major emphases is on the (why it works) I have always maintained that the first 5 years in this business is really just the beginning. If you really want to get to the (how) of it you need to get the technition trainind in the engineering phase of this business where they get a through understanding of Thermodynamics such as a B.S. degree or equivilent. The need for constant education in an essential requirement. If not a B.S. degree then how about a "certification certificate" of the chapters 9,10,11,in "Principles of Refrigeration" by Dossat. These chapters should be so well understood that every technition should be able to discuss the concepts on the equivilent basis with a refrigeration engineer. Actually the book should be read and understood a minimum of 10 times from cover to cover. Look, here's my philosophy: you go around only once in this life so wht not be all you can be with your abilities.i