I agree Icecube, my vision is that as soon you are able to calculate it manually, you can do it afterwards with a computer program.
I still teach it this way at Syntrawest.

Otherwise you're a dummy just filling in numbers without knowing what you're doing.
You also have to know what you needs to fill in in the boxes, like SH,SC, ...

Many of the younger generation won't learn the basics any longer, the way of the least resistance and efforts.
They all wants to solve it with their computer and at the same time an MP3 player in their ears..

Refrigeration is a business which you can't do good as long as you don't understand fully the basics and especially the log/p diagram. If something happens in the real world and you're able to 'translate' this to a log/p, then I can assure you know what you're doing and you will find for sure the problem.