You and I both mentioned the time.... I have to be honest. I listen to service managers grumble about their techs only getting 4 or 5 calls in a eight hour day... that should be the last thing they worry about. I think 4 or 5 calls a day is normal, on some days that is darned impressive! If a contractor has techs making 8 calls in an 8 hour day... they are parts changers and wouldn't know the difference between system, mechanical, environmental or electrical symptoms causing a failure. I would rather see a tech take his time and get it right, charge the customer for an accurate diagnosis and repair, forget the "service charge or truck charge" that many servicers add onto every service call. I finally put a statement at the bottom of our bills that states the minimum charge regardless of whether service is rendored or not and I never have a problem with it, in fact I get more work now.