The other week, like many others before me I suspect?
Saw me spending hours struggling to remove completely all traces of old gasket. Which on the York J's and PC's that I was "top end" overhauling. Consists of Their new style locktite impregnated gaskets. They have an orangy red bead around their perifery. And are an absolute bitch to remove.
Anyway the wisened Engineer that I was with, who is even "longer in the tooth" than me said "borrow mine"! (My Supervisor)
It was absolutely brilliant and it worked on the principle of the blade being drawn towards you. Opposed to most of my ones which you push away from yourself. The finish you could get on the casting faces was literaly brilliant!
This scraper was a Bahco Ergo 650 I truely recommend one. I intend to get 1 and have been looking on ebay where the best price at the moment is just under £15.00.
Read this as a handy little tip guys and hopefully it will help those, who like me still have to rebuild or overhaul Comps occasionally.