I was recently contacted by an Amish gentleman regarding a 5'x5'x6' tall step in freezer.

He asked about using a "cold plate" instead of using his diesel engine as a generator.

The step-in freezer would be located inside a barn.

I told him he could use a shaft drive compressor attached to the diesel engine and use more modern refrigeration parts.

I feel that he should just attach a belt driven generator to the engine, but haven't got a clue as to where to get the parts & how to hook it up so that the engine starts a bit before the refrig compressor does.

Anyone have information as to where to get & how to install a 'cold plate' or the needed generator parts/hookup?

Personally, I don't believe a cold plate will provide a cold enough temperature without spending a lot of $$.

Of course, he wants everything ...ahem...'cheap'

Please email me with information as he wants price & such about mid week next week.
