Hi all,

i'm a student designing a refrigeration system this yr.
i'm trying to find out the latest technology that exist in the market for:

1. air-to-air heat exchanger
2. regenerative heat exchanger/regenerator

ive done some research already for both, however what i found is mostly talking about air conditioning systems and heating buildings.

could they be used the same way for a refrigeration system?

im more confused about what is a regenerator now after reading more about it.
is a regenerator the same as a recuperator?

Could someone kindly please enlighten me....

where is the place to start to find information on these areas as i find that the research ive done is still not giving me a good enough understanding?

Many thanks.

ps. i wasnt sure if this is the right place to put this here...because the HEs im talking about is related to both refrigeration and AC systems.