Hello all,

This is my very first posting on this site, and I just have to say a great big "thank-you" in regards to all the feedback re: LG Airconditioners .

Hubby went out today getting various quotes for Split-Sytem Air-conditioning systems, two of them were from...argggggggg...... LG .
These being the LG S24AHP3 and the LG S30AHP2 Reverse Cycle Wall Split System models.

Needless to say as soon I as saw the two quotes from LG I told him no-way am I going to touch any airconditioner from LG, having read many postings on this site about what a load of garbage they are.

However, I still have the problem of what brand and model would be best for the room I want cooled. From what I understand I need a system with between 2 and a half to 3 HP or 7.4KW.

Any suggestions on what would best suit my requirements, or what I should avoid would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance from a hot, sweltering possum, slaving at her keyboard.....phew....i think im gonna pass out in this wetched heat ....please help!