As Ive had a few days rest Ive picked up one my favourite books by Napolean Hill titled, "Think and Grow Rich"

To kick in the New Year and to generate some value added content in this forum of a non technical nature I will go through the thirty one causes of failure listed in the book.

I will add one every now and then, so without much adeau here are the first two.


Lack of a well defined purpose in life

To achieve success each man must have a CENTRAL PURPOSE. without it there is no HOPE of success.

Aim at some SPECIFIC GOAL in life

98 percent of failures in life have no such purpose or goals

Lack of ambition to AIM above MEDIOCRITY

There is no hope for anyone who is so indifferant as not to want to get ahead in life . and who is not willing to pay that price

Lack of Self Discipline

Discipline comes from SELF CONTROL.
One must control ones NEGATIVE QUALITIES

ie: Before we can control external things ( outside our scope) we must learn how to control ourselves.

SELF MASTERY is one of the hardest things to achieve. Conquer yourself first, cos if you dont your self will Conquer You.

I know thats strange, but you have to Conquer yourself, the body will follow the path of least resistance, and lead you down a slippery slope of decline, hence, You have to Conquer these weaknesses within yourself first.

Look in the Mirror

What you will see..........Either your BEST Freind..........or your WORST ENEMY

Its strange isnt it??? I never ever thought I could be so damaging to myself, but yet we are.........All the time. Look at our actions, sometimes our behaviour is far from exeplary.

Please note: I have not copied out verbatim from book . I am merely echoing, eschewing the points that are raised in the book.

But it makes for intresting reading.

If members have so far enjoyed what Ive written please say so and I will continue. If you think.....No, Ill stop!!